Paul Bryce
Chia-Lin Hsu
Karen Chien
Laura Johnston
Krishan Chhiba
Tania Velez
Rebecca Krier
Alison Szabo
Josh Wechsler
Paul Bryce
Principle Investigator
Paul is originally from Scotland and obtained his PhD in Immunology from Manchester University in the UK. In 1999, he moved to Boston and worked at Boston Childrens Hospital before moving to Northwestern University in 2005.
Chia-Lin Hsu
Postdoctoral Scientist
Chia-Lin comes from Taiwan and studied at Northwestern University for her PhD doctorate. She studied regulation of inflammation by IL-33 and is now working on how mast cell activation is controlled.
She likes softball, icecream, Blondie, and Harry Potter.
Chia-Lin dislikes chickenpox and haircuts outside of Taiwan.
Karen Chien
Postdoctoral Scientist
Karen trained at Boston University and Northwestern University and has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering.
Utilizing her engineering experience, Karen is focused on nanoparticle approaches for therapy and diagnostics for food allergy.
She is also the overseer of the laboratory fish tank.
In her spare time, Karen engineers robots and plans on taking over the world one day.
Laura Johnston
PhD Student
Laura claims to be "Chirish"-- a mix of Chinese, Irish and Scottish. She joined the Bryce Lab in 2013 to pursue her PhD at Northwestern University.
Laura is currently working on understanding the activation consequences of IL-33 in non-allergic situations.
Laura has a background in ballet and can fit into small boxes when needed. Due to gluten and allergy issues, she is unable to eat most foods without becoming sick and survives on mostly corn chips and care packages from her mom in Seattle.
Krishan Chhiba
MD/PhD Student
Krishan is currently pursuing both his MD and PhD through the Northwestern Medical/Scientist Training Program. He joined the Bryce Lab in 2014 for the PhD part of his training.
Krishan is working on understanding the epigenetic and genetic consequences of mast cell triggering, with a focus on IL-33 expression.
Despite claiming to be a San Fransisco 49rs fan, he has many Seattle Seahawks logos on his equipment and person at all times.
Tania Velez
PhD Student
Despite coming straight from her undergraduate training at UIC, Tania joined the Driskil Graduate Program at Northwestern University to pursue her PhD. To the shock of everyone, including Paul, she joined the Bryce Lab in 2014.
Tania is focused on understanding the regulation of B cell responses by histamine receptors and is looking at IgE class-switching processes.
Tania hails originally from Ecuador and enjoys dancing and South American music, such as Ricky Martin. She is not allowed on most fairground rides because of her diminutive stature.
Rebecca Burris
Research Technician
Rebecca joined the Bryce Lab after completing her Masters in Immunology at Loyolla University .
She oversees the logistics of the laboratory and has worked on several of the research projects, particularly the biopsies from patients with Josh, IL-33 work with Laura, and studies on humanized mice with Paul.
Outside of work, Rebecca enjoys commuting and trains and so lives in Wisconsin. As an identical twin, it remains unclear if she or her sister actually show up on any given day.
Alison Szabo
Research Technician
Alison joined the laboratory in 2014, having done her undergrad at Yale University and worked as a technician at The University of Chicago.
Alison integrates into specific projects with Josh and Karen and is working on the regulation of intestinal inflammation by histamine and on therapeutic approaches to food allergy.
Josh Wechsler
Assistant Professor
Joshua joined the Bryce Lab during his clinical fellowship training at Lurie Childrens Hospital. As a gastroenterologist, Josh has acquired a strong interest in Eosinophilic Esophagitis and intestinal inflammation.
Recently, Josh was awarded a K08 Career Development Award from the National Institutes of Health and will be transitioning to independence and building his own laboratory.
When not scope-jockying, Josh has two daughters who are super cute and clearly take after their mother on that front. Like Paul, Josh enjoys moaning about other people in a general way.
The Bryce Lab